"...God has chosen you in the beginning for salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and faith in the truth. And it was for this He called you through the gospel to the gaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Thessalonians 2:13, 14
God chose us in the beginning, now it is our time to choose!
"If then you have been raised up with Christ Jesus, keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on things that are on the earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory."
Colossians 3:1-4
Choose Your World
Handbook 1: Article 46
A Personal Note
"An Encounter, Up Close and Counting, The Clash of Two Worlds"
I was between two worlds, clothed in darkness;
I refused to go forward --
I could not return to what I was for I had tasted the Light.
My mind that once longed to know,
Now riddled with fear and so lonely.
The physical world rushed by me;
I was powerless -- emptied of faith.
The unknown One frightened me,
He loomed in my way.
His name, Spirit, the Holy One of God.
I sensed His displeasure
At the core of my being;
His eyes burned my soul,
His voice spoke, commanding,
"Come out!"
"I'm afraid of You," I whimpered,
"Where you will lead me.
I want to feel safe."
My mind urged,
B.C. Before Christ!"
"Once I drew you to Me tenderly,
Quieting you fears.
I led you, I wooed you --
You promised Me you'd follow.
Now come out!"
"In my world I feel secure," I argued,
"I know my way.
In your world I feel lost, helpless.
Why must I leave?
Why can't I love and serve You from here."
"Spirit," I cried, "Do you hear me?"
"Spirit?" There was no answer!
And His silence was more frightening than death.
"O Spirit, "Don't leave me," I pleaded,
"I cannot turn from You, You have the words of Life."
He spoke no word, but I knew He still waited.
My soul trembling, my heart quaking
I stepped out from my world
Into the unknown, unseen world,
The home of my Savior and my God.
I came out!
Again from "Choose Your World":
"Out of that vast organization called the world, out of the great mass of individuals belonging to it and involved in it, clean out of all that, God has called us. Thus comes the title 'Church' ekklesia, 'God's called-out ones.' From the midst of the great cosmos God calls one here and one there; and all whom He calls, He calls out. There is no such thing as a call from God that is not a call 'out of the world.'"
Watchman Nee